Restore Sabbath

Experience a guided retreat + 1:1 coaching experience designed for every Christian ministry leader.

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Experience exponential benefits of Sabbath Rest in a Full Day Retreat

“Intentional rest with Jesus by engaging in
practices that are soul-nourishing.”

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“As a pastor I knew the theory behind Sabbath, but I had gotten used to treating Sabbath as an office day at home at the expense of true rest and communion with Jesus. By taking this retreat to observe the magnitude of Sabbath through the Scriptures, I learned that Sabbathing has an element of trust in God’s provision and direction, and even surrender to the fact that He is in control and does not need me personally to fulfill His will.
This has led me to re-shape my weekly and yearly Sabbath rhythms, and has expanded my view of what is replenishing to my soul and how I can give glory to God in this way.”
Alex Diaz
Campus Pastor Traders Point Christian Church

The longer you delay Sabbath rest;
the longer your leadership suffers


Pressures to perform compound and amplify, leaving you feeling exhausted or already burned out


Anxiousness due to lack of rest erodes your confidence as a leader


Your influence is diminished, Everyone entrusted to your care continues to suffer

The Restored Sabbath Experience

A full day Retreat on your Sabbath

Choose your Sabbath day and be guided by facilitator who will help you renew your theology and design a rhythm of Sabbath day

Three 30 Minute Coaching Sessions

Further deepen your rest practices with a 1:1 Coaching session after each of your next three sabbath days.

Be Transformed

Immediately experience change for yourself and then confidently model a way of rest that permeates your community.

Let us host your retreat

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Explore the Experience

Explore our approach and a sample schedule for your Sabbath retreat.


Schedule a Call

Meet with a Restored Leader Professional Coach to learn more, ask any questions you have, and plan your retreat date.



At your Sabbath Retreat on your Sabbath, you’ll stop, delight, practice, and commit to a renewed vision for rest and design practices

“Free from having to produce something, I was able to accept the invitation to be.”

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Previously, when I did create a few hours or even a day for Sabbath, I would fight through the challenges of a distracted mind and a desire to get back to normal life. I couldn't do it alone. The retreat experience was guided and this gave me the freedom to receive the benefits that were waiting for me. I have greater confidence to repeat what I practiced. For my congregation I am positioned where I can see the great need and offer the same life-giving experiences that I am receiving.
Tim Faulkner
General Secretary International Baptist Convention

Imagine your entire community who trusts in Stopping and Delighting on Sabbath.
It starts with you.